I have no idea what’s going on, but they are cute together.
I know the discourse… they’re not perfect representation. But I still like them as supporting characters.
What’s your favorite Autism or ADHD mascot?
can someone explain both of these? I’ve read a little on TBH, but already forgot how he represents autism and what TBH even stands for
That link sums up about 60% of what I heard about it and was 60% complete news for me. (And yes these intentionally add up to 120%) I thought ‘tbh’ stood for ‘to be honest’, but now I am no longer sure.
8 weeks after posting this, I still have no idea what is going on in that meme. There is apparently no consistent story behind the creature, it is constantly transmuted and memed further. Apparently at some early stage it got adopted by an autism community for reading as autistic(?) and gained a friend ‘btw’ or ‘by the way’ that is interpreted as ADHD.
Some people hate it, it seems, claiming tbh projects infantilisation of autistic people. I don’t agree, but I don’t really want to fight them over it. I just think it’s cute and one should pick the headcanon they like and ignore the rest.
gained a friend ‘btw’ or ‘by the way’ that is interpreted as ADHD.
that’s hilarious! 😆
thank you!