New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird was published by Prime Books in November 2011. It was edited by Paula Guran. The volume collects stories by those Guran identifies as “New Lovecraftians” who, Guran says, “re-imagine, re-energize, renew, re-set, and make Lovecraftian concepts relevant for today.”
Prime Books 2011 - Anna Archive - Link
- “Introduction” by Paula Guran
- “Pickman’s Other Model (1929)” by Caitlín R. Kiernan
- “Fair Exchange” by Michael Marshall Smith
- “Mr. Gaunt” by John Langan
- “The Vicar of R’lyeh” by Marc Laidlaw
- “The Crevasse” by Dale Bailey and Nathan Ballingrud
- “Bad Sushi” by Cherie Priest
- “Old Virginia” by Laird Barron
- “The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft” by Nick Mamatas and Tim Pratt
- “The Oram County Whoosit” by Steve Duffy
- “The Fungal Stain” by W. H. Pugmire
- “A Study in Emerald” by Neil Gaiman
- “Buried in the Sky” by John Shirley
- “Bringing Helena Back” by Sarah Monette
- “Take Me to the River” by Paul J. McAuley
- “The Essayist in the Wilderness” by William Browning Spencer
- “The Disciple” by David Barr Kirtley
- “Shoggoths in Bloom” by Elizabeth Bear
- “Cold Water Survival” by Holly Phillips
- “The Great White Bed” by Don Webb
- “Lesser Demons” by Norman Partridge
- “Grinding Rock” by Cody Goodfellow
- “Details” by China Miéville
- “Another Fish Story” by Kim Newman
- “Head Music” by Lon Prater
- “Tsathoggua” by Michael Shea
- “Mongoose” by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
- “A Colder War” by Charles Stross
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