• LanternEverywhere
    419 months ago

    This is literally the type of thing that happens in Fahrenheit 451. It was supposed to be a fantasy nightmare story to make a point, not a literal description of evil events to come.

  • Zeppo
    269 months ago

    Reminds me of how in the early 90s, I was reading The Necronomicon, a well known work of fiction by the fairly famous author H. P. Lovecraft, in study hall in a New England school and someone apparently reported this to the administration. My angry Vice-Principal (who was later transferred to an elementary school after assaulting a couple students) confiscated the book and screamed at me about it for ~20 minutes. Things have gotten worse since then with school systems involving police, though.

    • @[email protected]
      239 months ago

      Nothing more American than “this adult who we put in charge of minors assaulted a teenager, what should we do with them? Oh I know, let’s put them in charge of even younger children!”

      I hate our country.

      • Zeppo
        9 months ago

        Yep, after assaulting middle school children, his punishment was to be principal of an elementary for twenty years and then be rewarded with “educator of the year” when he retired.

        Not his first incident, either. My friend’s older brother got in trouble for supposedly swinging at him (in 8th grade, and this guy was a former NFL player). Who knows why. He repeatedly made me sit in the office for hours because he claimed he wanted to rule me out for vandalism, so rather than attending classes, I sat in the office waiting area doing nothing for days.

          • Zeppo
            29 months ago

            I actually was a pretty nutty kid, and did some shit that I look back and am ‘holy cow, I guess that’s why I didn’t have children’. On the other hand, this sort of abuse from adult authority figures contributed to my actions.

            • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
              9 months ago

              Same boat but did have kids. I did actually have a teacher say this to me. Few years after highschool I want back for some event and said hello to this one assistant music teacher and offered my hand for a shake and he wouldn’t shake it. Said “you were trouble back then and you’re trouble now.” It’s the adults that are nutty. Kids are kids. If you yell and scream at them, they are going to yell and scream at others. If you say no to them for everything they will say no back to you for everything. Gotta level with them, give positive feedback.

  • @xantoxis
    169 months ago

    I gotta admit, from the headline I assumed he was deep undercover as an 8th grader.

  • Blackout
    149 months ago

    So the superintendent and the board was notified of this happening and they basically escorted the cop into the classroom instead of standing up for their students’ rights. Recall them all. I’d be so pissed if my child’s school allowed this. Cops have no right being in this situation. They threw the entire 1st amendment out the window.

  • Transporter Room 3
    109 months ago

    So a rando out of uniform gets agitated, enters a place meant for children, aggressively searches through things which panics children, and we’re expected to go “yeah, these people who would immediately execute someone like this surely deserve to be left alone to do the very thing they would shoot someone over”

    I watched an adult get tackled by 3 teachers in middle school because they came into the school during class and tried to enter the library. It was a delivery driver who had already checked in with the office but his visitor tag had fallen off, and they assumed he was some rando out of uniform trying to enter a classroom environment.

  • @yesman
    49 months ago

    W.E.B. Du Bois Regional Middle School

    I collect irony and this is gold.

    The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for the Science of Sexuality.) was located in Berlin until 1933; it was a pioneer in rigorous study of gender and sexuality. If you’ve seen pictures of Nazis burning books, their is an excellent chance the books came from this institute’s library.

    It’s OK to compare this to the Nazis because it’s not a metaphor, it’s a xerox copy.