I started this problem stone this morning by cutting the facet that I was cutting when it popped off. It’s the left side, and you can see where the new cut started and how it is not level. This means the stone isn’t aligned either on the index, or vertically.

Nothing I can do about the vertical alignment, but I can realign the index using the cheater. The cheater is a dial on the cutting head that can make minute adjustments to the index. To realign I’m going to recut the entire crown as I have enough girdle left over to do so.

You can just see where the new cut on the center is coming down and is horizontally aligned with the girdle. I’ll finish this cut, then cut the facets I was cutting before.

You can’t really see it here, but as I feared the stone is not vertically aligned, and the girdle is thinner on the left than it is on the right.

I’ll finish and post the result in the next post, assuming this problem stone doesn’t give me any more issues…