Trying decide if I am communist or socialist.

Hello. I’m Rob, a fan of Pepper&Carrot. I am Demisexual. New banner.

Pepper and Carrot is a Libre and open source web comic with a good amount of open source games based on it that you can find on the internet or just Youtube.

Carrot is the Cat, Pepper is a Witch of Chaosah!
I appreciate David Revoy’s work. It gets me an escape from copyrighted stories and it actually compares in art quality to some popular franchise from the past 30+ years.

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One thing I can’t tollerate is people who are openly racist towards *anyone. I lean more socialist with that said I am tollerant with communist and archists. Capitalism I dislike, but most people have to cave to it at some point in their lives so I won’t be like mad at you if you buy something as a person. I can’t stand people who tell people to go back to their country I think that is just rude. It’s one thing if like you wanted to critisise an action someone made, but going after someone negativey just because they are not a originally a local is not appreciated.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2024
