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  • MHPengwingz
    210 months ago

    Tbf he has a cushy job, who’d want to leave if things haven’t gone tits up yet? I wish he’d find another challenge but I think he’s basically done with completing his quests.

    I do wonder if someone else came in could their results be replicated?

    • Nuggsy
      210 months ago

      Yeah, don’t blame him on that front, tbh. Isn’t that what most of us want in life?

      I honestly don’t know and it’s an interesting question. You could argue that Manager X could be consistent, but possibly drop more points. Then, over time, as they bring in more of “their” players, there’s a shift and they drop down in the league rankings.

      I think the only club that managed to maintain some modicum of success under similar circumstances over multiple managers was Chelskie. The exception being that City are actually run professionally (although allegedly corruptly) and the other was to keep throwing shit at the wall until something stuck. Fucking Chelsea…