• @affiliate
    8822 days ago

    being a prompt engineer is so much more than typing words. you also have to sometimes delete the words and then type new ones

    • @bbuez
      1722 days ago

      Don’t forget that its much more effort than teaching a child, sometimes no matter your words, the machine can be stubborn. It is a very difficult and misunderstood profession, sometimes my head aches a little from typing the same thing over again, expecting a different result. But together we will hallucinate the future, engineering one word at a time.

    • @ZILtoid1991
      722 days ago

      There’s also jailbreaking the AI. If you happen to work for a trollfarm, you have to be up to date with the newest words to bypass its community guidelines to make it “disprove” anyone left of Mussolini.

      • ferret
        219 days ago

        You can skip that bullshit and just run the latest and greatest open source model locally. Just need a thousand dollar gpu

      • @[email protected]
        221 days ago

        I tried some of the popular jailbreaks for ChatGPT, and they just made it hallucinate more.

    • @[email protected]
      21 days ago

      The most important part of being a prompt engineer is knowing when the responses are bullshit. Which is how the AI field has been the whole time - it selects for niche expertise.

      • kronisk
        221 days ago

        So you simply already need to know what you’re asking it, gotcha. Seems easy enough.

        • @[email protected]
          20 days ago

          Kind of, it’s kind of like using a calculator instead of doing arithmetic by hand when doing load and strain calculations. It’s a tool which cuts down on the tedious (and error prone) parts of engineering but doesn’t replace the expertise. I use it frequently to write code snippets for things I don’t know the exact sytax for but could easily look up. It just saves time.

          Like, we have a guy whose entire job is to understand the ins and outs of a particular bit of modeling software. In the future that will likely be a person who runs the AI which understands the ins and outs of the modeling software. And eventually the AI will replace that software entirely.