What’s your point? Socialism doesn’t mean be you have to be poor, socialism is about getting the full value of your work. If your work is so valuable it makes you a multi-millionaire then from a socialist perspective that’s completely fine. Your point makes sense only if you have no fucking clue what socialism is.
What’s your point? Socialism doesn’t mean be you have to be poor, socialism is about getting the full value of your work. If your work is so valuable it makes you a multi-millionaire then from a socialist perspective that’s completely fine. Your point makes sense only if you have no fucking clue what socialism is.
It sounds like you’re arguing with yourself as I have never mentioned any of those words.
If it’s not that then sorry for giving your insane rambling a modicum of rational context.
Insane, my dislike of rich capitalists 🙃 Even .lm and .ee have a soft heart for their overlords.