Economic impact laid bare by findings has implications for UK where about two-thirds of people are overweight or obese

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  • Nate Cox
    121 month ago

    Conflating fat people with bad people is pretty standard fare unfortunately.

    I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life; I have a long history of being physically active while also being overweight. For example: I have a black belt in martial arts, which means I spent a decade of my life in a dojo three to five times a week exercising… while still fat. I don’t eat terribly either. My body just holds onto every fucking calorie.

    But many many people have made shitty assumptions about me based entirely on my weight. The “personal responsibility” people are particularly obnoxious.

    I was a kid in the 90s when every TV show had a stupid lazy fat guy as a cheap joke factory. That was super cool for my self esteem.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Taking BMI as gospel is another problem, to be considered in an ideal weight, I’d have to weigh as much as when I was 17 and that was when I was the most active in my whole life (walking to and from school, PE at school, going outside with friends daily, etc.) No chance I can cut to that weight at 35 in a healthy way.