What are your thoughts on psych drugs, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, etc?

Doctors love to prescribe these drugs. But they have very bad side effects, based on what I’ve read. And they can give you strong withdrawals when you try to come off them. Also, should we really be medicalising emotions and taking drugs to emotionally cope with the world? Maybe we need things like friends, family, social connections, to make the world more enjoyable.

What do you think?

  • BuckWylde
    2 years ago

    I had been on citalopram many years ago and eventually went off it because I thought I could deal with my lifelong depression and anxiety by myself. Sure, I had a good multiyear run with no meds but going to therapy, then it all came creeping back. I’ve been on a different medication for almost 2 years now after accepting the fact that it’s a condition that I can’t beat by myself. If I had a heart condition that required medication I wouldn’t bat an eye at that. Sure, the meds aren’t perfect but at the rate I was going I have no idea whether nor not I would be here typing this out right now. Also, I wouldn’t want my mom to be sad if I had offed myself.