• Kashif Shah
    05 months ago

    Aye, those be the ones. Cuius almost even sounds like “whose” if you chop off the k sound. Pheweee, by the end of the 4th semester, I was drowning in different ablatives.

    Well, I’m going to keep on popularizing retro-definitions and roots, unless you have a different recommendation in this specific situation?

    Should I keep reminding people the Arabs and Jews are both Semites? Or would you argue that only Jews are Semitic?

    • @disguy_ovahea
      25 months ago

      No, you’re right. They’re both Semites. The thing is, the Jews have been persecuted for two millennia, to the point that it’s a massive part of their culture. Half of their holidays are in remembrance of moments of past persecution. They need a word to define it, since neither racism nor religious persecution applies. That’s the really shitty thing about Netanyahu wielding it in defense of his actions. Besides putting a target on the back of Jews around the world that have no connection to Zionism, it dilutes a concept that has plagued the Jews for all of their recorded history.

        • @disguy_ovahea
          5 months ago

          Yeah, but they flip it. It’s not about the effects of persecution. They focus all of the stories and holidays on how unity and remembrance got them through the oppression. It’s actually kind of beautiful.

          • Kashif Shah
            5 months ago

            No doubt, thanks for sharing that; there is beauty in everything, if you know where to look. For all the invictive and hate lodged at Islam and Muslims, there is so much beauty in it, too.

            • @disguy_ovahea
              5 months ago

              American Christians are so threatened by Muslims, yet many don’t realize that The Bible is to the Torah, as the Quran is to the Bible. Muslims follow Jesus’s teachings too. Some might even say better than Christians. All three religions also follow a very similar story of origin found in the Torah.

              Hate is commonly born from fear of the unknown and unfamiliar. I’m sure many would be surprised to learn of their similarities.