For anyone interested:

It’s a shame because the Stack Exchange network is the best place to find good answers to questions and if the good contributors are disgruntled over this (and they probably should be) it will be the death of the site.

I haven’t read into it too far but it would be better if they only allowed it for new questions - so people know what they’re getting into.

  • vortic
    35 months ago

    If I’m honest, chat-GPT has replaced SO for me as my first go-to. If I can’t figure it out from chat-GPT, then I will dig into SO and other resources. It isn’t always correct but it is more often correct than accepted SO answers in my experience. At least for Python, Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, and general Linux questions.

    That said, the accuracy may be because it has ingested all of the SO answers. If SO doesn’t continue getting new, useful answers, maybe the quality of chat-gpt’s answers will also suffer.