• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Eh I think you missed my point entirely. And, by the way, being a doctor is simply put very hard, that’s why they’re paid more than people who flip burgers who just flip burgers, and doctors are also rarer and I believe you want to have a good doctor don’t you? Because he’s simply going to get up and leave to another place where he is paid properly if you don’t pay him a good wage. Also, you don’t make any actual good points in your long answer.

    Pleaso go study economics. Thank you.

    • @Doomsider
      110 months ago

      I didn’t miss your point because it was sophomoric in nature and therefore underdeveloped. Your belief in the meritocracy just shows how ridiculously brainwashed you are. It is okay, most of us are one way or another I suppose.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Society might not be meritocratic, but at the end of the day life is… You’re just bitter you don’t deserve better.

        • @Doomsider
          110 months ago

          You are really reaching there Mr. I buy the rhetoric hook line and sinker. It is clear who is bitter here and it is not the accomplished father of four who owns a million dollar house. Good talking with you.

            • @Doomsider
              110 months ago

              Dude, I rented for 25 years of my life. Trust me, it is an accomplishment.