Hey rat punchers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is going to be releasing to everyone around the middle of this coming week!

The v2.4.0 beta now contains 11 trinkets total, with 3 recent additions: the mimic tooth, wondrous resin, and eye of newt. I think 11 is a good place to start, but there’s lots of room to add more in the future as well!

  • @Pickyfan
    18 months ago

    I think the trinkets did a really good job of balancing adding new stuff at the cost of taking away something else.

    I think vegetation rooms are the problem instead of just the trinket itself, there’s no downside to vegetation rooms, you just get more items and way more room to maneuver.

    What about making it so vegetation rooms also increase the chance of fire traps or barricades that require potions of liquid flame?

    • @Riversedgeknight1
      18 months ago

      Or even just more burning traps. Although when you play with the champions challenge the blazing ones will destroy the entire level lol