I’m bored and want to practice my Rust skills. I am the creator of open-tv. If you have any idea for a linux desktop app, even if it seems quite complex, I will take it.

  • @kuneho
    49 months ago

    NVU, Dreamweaver were tried to be like this. Only thing that wysiwyg’ing HTML isn’t that easy as one might think, especially nowadays where thousands of web css frameworks exists and every structuring is done via divs.

    You could make your own framework, or select/import one you like, but then the app will have way too much parameter, which needs to be configured by the user. It would be a really neat power tool, though.

    ps.: Funny thing I was just thinking about wysiwyg editors in the recent days 😅

    • @warmaster
      9 months ago

      Nono. It’s just a Writer. Like, Word, or Google Docs. It’s easy to do. Like all those Markdown editors, but HTML. For notes, book writing, etc.