• @PugJesusOP
    92 months ago

    Palestinians are the ones being put in concentration camps

    And you’re voting for increased support to Israel. Know what that does?

    not your privileged ass or mine.

    Speak for your fucking self. Or have you not been paying attention to the current state of the Republican Party?

    • @LazyPhilosopher
      -32 months ago

      Yeah, the Republicans are even worse than the dems I know. Just because I’m not afraid to admit that the Dems are backing genocide and it’s not going to work out well for them in the election doesn’t mean I support the Republicans.

      • @PugJesusOP
        42 months ago

        Fuck, do I have to explain to you how the trolley problem works? Is that how basic we’re gonna have to get here?

        • @LazyPhilosopher
          -42 months ago

          The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have. Until we get past that, we’re going to be locked in this cycle of picking really bad fascist or fascist who only support genocide over seas.

          The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

          That’s all there is to it.

          • @PugJesusOP
            32 months ago

            The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have.

            It’s the only option we have because the last time we had a good option, in 2020, not enough fucking people turned out to get the better option on the ballot. That’s democracy, unfortunately. Maybe next time I’ll be able to count the number of primary voters in my precinct on my hands and toes instead of just my hands.

            The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

            Oh, don’t worry. If Trump wins, you won’t have to fret about being ‘stuck in this cycle’ anymore.

            • @LazyPhilosopher
              -42 months ago

              You’re so silly

              Clinton wasn’t a good option lol. She’s the same kind of monster Joe is.

              I love how you can’t even imagine any other possibilities. Not trying to really organize a third party vote. Not any kind of resistance. In your mind, it’s just inevitable that one of these two parties will always win and we just have to vote for the less evil one. There’s nothing else we can do. You’re a defeatist.

              I actually am voting in the Democratic primary. I was hoping someone serious would primary against Biden and then maybe we could vote for a better Dem. I’m going to vote for the crystal lady. In the actual election, I will vote third party. Because of how our system works, my vote will still go for Biden because my state will be blue like it always is.

              The fact that this upsets you is sad

              • @PugJesusOP
                22 months ago

                I’m going to vote for the crystal lady.

                Jesus fucking Christ. And you wonder why you aren’t taken seriously.

                • @LazyPhilosopher
                  -32 months ago

                  If you don’t take me seriously, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

                  Miriam Williamson is less of a fascist than Joe Biden. She’s also a total Crystal lady.

                  Look dude. I like to vote for people who aren’t fascist and don’t commit or enable genocide. If you prefer to vote for people who do those things that’s on you.

                  • @PugJesusOP
                    12 months ago

                    Look dude. I like to vote for people who aren’t fascist and don’t commit or enable genocide.

                    Mm-hm. Instead you vote in such a manner as to enable fascists to commit genocide. But your hands marked “Throw away my vote please” on your ballot, so magically, you are absolved of responsibility, like a man patiently watching an infant drown in an knee-height pool.