Oh, interesting! I thought all of those got shut down when the API got locked down. Can you actually log in, comment, and that sort of stuff, or is it just for browsing?
I read more about it after asking and it looks like you can run it on your local network with a login state and then access it through a local URL on your phone. That’s more effort than I’m interested in investing to view a site that’s mostly trash content and bots now, but it’s cool that it’s available.
This is paranoia. No one cares if you grow your own onions or not.
It also assumes the supermarket is doing it and not the supplier.
Other possibilities: poor training, spoiling product
What is safereddit?
It’s an instance of Redlib, a private reddit front-end. Fast, no ads, no tracking, and all requests get proxied.
Oh, interesting! I thought all of those got shut down when the API got locked down. Can you actually log in, comment, and that sort of stuff, or is it just for browsing?
Good question - just checked and it looks like it’s browse only. Good alternative to have!
I read more about it after asking and it looks like you can run it on your local network with a login state and then access it through a local URL on your phone. That’s more effort than I’m interested in investing to view a site that’s mostly trash content and bots now, but it’s cool that it’s available.