A year ago I bought my wife a Mazda CX-5 diesel and paid 10K for it. Now I found out that it has an engine defect that will be extremely expensive to repair, so the car is a write-off, at best I can get 2K back.
A year ago I bought my wife a Mazda CX-5 diesel and paid 10K for it. Now I found out that it has an engine defect that will be extremely expensive to repair, so the car is a write-off, at best I can get 2K back.
Did you get it inspected before purchasing?
Yes. But to see the defect, one has to remove the underside of the engine which we didn’t do.
Then I think you’re in the wrong community. This belongs in ExtremelyAggravating
Might be, might be. Or WellThatSucks if we have one.