Former White House Situation Room officer Mike Stiegler revealed that then-President Donald Trump never called down to check on then-Vice President Mike Pence as Trump fans hunted him at the Capitol, and that we were “that close” to losing the VP.

On Tuesday’s edition of ABC’s Good Morning America, anchor George Stephanopoulos sat down with Stiegler, whose account of the Capitol riot is included in the host’s new book “The Situation Room.”

In a stunning exchange, Stiegler revealed just how close Pence came to getting killed — to the point of asking “Where’s the second in line?” — and that Trump never called down to the White House nerve center to ask about Pence:

  • Flying Squid
    831 month ago

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Did the president ever call down to the Situation Room on that day?

    MIKE STIEGLER: Not to my knowledge.

    Not that I think Trump gave a shit about Pence’s life, but I think it’s equally possible that he didn’t know that the Situation Room was a thing because he’s extremely stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        You gotta think he fears for his life or something if he’s still saying he might vote for Trump. Dude could easily retire and step away from politics, but he won’t.

    • @dhork
      121 month ago

      He knows it’s a thing, but never watches it because I bet Wolf Blitzer said a mean thing about him that one time.

    • @slickgoat
      31 month ago

      I suffer from cognitive dissonance myself when viewing what happened from afar and knowing that Americans might elect this stupid man for a second time instead of taking the Mussolini option.