“If you don’t save your data to someone else’s computer then we can’t monetize it.”

I know they’re not explicitly selling SkyDrive or OneDrive or whatever it’s called now, but they kinda are.

What’s funny is, this file is stored in an encrypted container that does live in the cloud. 😄

Edit: Thanks to user @[email protected] I now know about F12 in Office applications to bring up the “classic” Save As… dialog. Today I learned!

  • @alyth
    538 months ago

    I only use Windows in corporate settings and OneDrive / file management has been the single biggest pain point for me, by far.

    • Deleted files magically reappearing
    • Files not showing up after saving
    • Confusing save location of files
    • Confusing navigation in the file manger

    Windows tries to copy Apple and fails miserably.

    • @TheCheddarCheese
      8 months ago

      And it creating a whole other OneDrive folder in your user directory and moving your documents and desktop folder there… It’s so annoying

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      Sounds like your IT team messed up the setup. In their defense, Microsoft doesn’t make it easy to set it up well.

      A “good” setup hides all this shit from the end user. All your “library” folders (Documents, Desktop, Pictures, etc) can be invisibly made into OneDrive folders. Still save your shit where you normally do, navigate in the file manager like you normally do, no lag for changes you do locally to show locally, minor lag (like 1-2 minutes) for changes to propagate to OneDrive itself (and other machines you are currently logged into). Just now everything is backed up to the cloud.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Right. I save things in the shared folder but I don’t see them when working from home.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      I have managed to convince IT that Linux is essential for my line of work. My work goes smoothly while I watch my Windows colleagues raise the most absurd tickets for their problems.

      “Yeah, it’s a known issue. This needs access to Microsoft servers but our firewall won’t allow it. You need to connect to a hotspot to resolve this.”

      “You need to install a package for LaTeX for a different font? Better raise an RFC and get it approved by your supervisor”

      “md5sum? Never heard of it. Please justify the business requirement for this tool”

      Meanwhile Linux go brrr

    • @Bruncvik
      28 months ago

      I’ve had exactly the same experience. Let me addd one more: when OneDrive decides to back up open files, they ate regularly deleted both from local and cloud. Those are the files I tend to use the most, and I grew so frustrated that I ended recreating my Documents folder steucture in my Downloads folder, which doesn’t get synced. (IT is useless; when I complained abou that, they told me that One Drive was a third-party application, and they didn’t support those. )