• @mojo_raisin
    3110 months ago

    Humans lived for 200,000 years before we started acting like a cancer. It’s not our species that is cancer, it’s the dominator culture that evolved within our species that is the cancer.

    • db0OP
      1610 months ago

      It’s Capitalism. Capitalism is humans as cancer. It’s why we joke about late stage Capitalism.

      • @mojo_raisin
        510 months ago

        You’re not wrong.

        I see capitalism more as a tool that arose due to the rise of the dominator culture in our species. A species without dominator instincts would not invent capitalism.

        • Cowbee [he/they]
          910 months ago

          Capitalism arose as a natural conclusion to the contradictions of feudalism, not out of some vague sense of Human Nature.

          • @mojo_raisin
            510 months ago

            Ok, but why did feudalism come about, after 200,000+ years? Capitalism is just a current incarnation of an exploitative system brought to us by dominator culture. Before Capitalism it was Feudalism. If you back far enough, you get to stable groups that operated for millennia apparently without the need for domination being the primary driver of society.

            Using game theory, if the players start out cooperating, this can go on indefinitely, but once someone cheats the game becomes exploitative. Sounds a lot like what happened in our species.

            • Cowbee [he/they]
              710 months ago

              The history of humanity is the history of class dynamics. Feudalism came about as a result of agricultural development and the ability to store products, rather than needing to use them before they expire.

              • @mojo_raisin
                110 months ago

                I know that’s the common story, not sure I believe it.

                1. I don’t know that it makes sense to talk about class dynamics at a global/species level until the 19th or 20th century when culture and ideas could spread. Until then any class dynamics were probably intra-group.

                2. Evidence shows that the change from pre-agricultural to agricultural societies was not linear or quick, it took thousands of years and happened in fits and starts in different areas before really catching on everywhere. It doesn’t make a lot of sense that we invented agriculture and suddenly culture changed to protect the crops.

                3. Feudalism did not occur everywhere, it was mostly a European thing

                • Cowbee [he/they]
                  10 months ago
                  1. Why not? After Primitive Communist tribal societies, class has existed in every major society. It doesn’t need to be global.

                  2. Nobody said it was linear or quick, just that class conflict is what drove change.

                  3. Sure. Different forms of class society with different contradictions have existed in other places.

                  • @mojo_raisin
                    110 months ago

                    I don’t necessarily disagree with any of that, don’t necessarily agree either though.

                    I don’t think class conflict (that drove feudalism etc) arose just from there being grains around that “needed protection”. Without the dominator instinct, grain storage just means insurance, food security (security against bad weather, not finding the herd to hunt, or outside groups raiding).

                    I think class conflict was due to individuals who both desired power over others and understood that grain provided a means of attaining power because it provided a hoardable resource that allowed paying others to back them up. “You want to eat good? Then protect me and my hoard” That then sets up a situation where the grain holders become the upper class, those they pay for protection become class traiters, and everyone else ends up exploited.

                    I posit that humans as a species are a generally good cooperative species but due to natural variation, some individual’s brains are wired to think in a more exploitative way. But this exploitative person would be viewed negatively by their community and without a state to protect them, would be vulnerable to the direct consequences of their actions; and so this exploitative strategy was kept in check and unable to grow.

                    The ability to hoard grain allowed those with the dominator instinct to gain the upper hand against their community and take power. Feudalism evolved from that.

                    The rare dominator instinct + hoardable resources evolved into large scale exploitative economies of various types where the dominator instinct then became common and is now in most of us.

            • @Dasus
              210 months ago

              Rodents can be ladies as well, don’t be speciesist.

    • Ingrid
      210 months ago

      True, before the advent of agriculture 10,000 years ago, human societies were largely egalitarian for around 290,000 years…