• @GrymEdm
    19 days ago

    In case anyone wants to know specifically why this is crazy: here’s a NASA article about magnetic pole shifts/reversals. The short version is:

    • Magnetic North Pole was identified about 200 years ago and since then it’s constantly been drifting so “Pole Shifts” are a constant reality.
    • Complete reversals (where N and S swap) happen every 300,000 years or so on average (varying a lot). The last reversal was actually 780,000 years ago, so I’m not sure what societal collapse this guy knows about from WAY into pre-history.
    • The Earth’s magnetic field has declined in strength in the last 200 years by about 9%, but it’s still twice as intense as it’s million-year average and not going anywhere anytime soon.
    • Tar_Alcaran
      3218 days ago

      Complete reversals (where N and S swap) happen every 300,000 years or so on average (varying a lot). The last reversal was actually 780,000 years ago, so I’m not sure what societal collapse this guy knows about from WAY into pre-history.

      For general info, 780,000 years ago, there weren’t even modern humans. That’s firmly in Homo erectus times. It predates the oldest cave paintings by a factor of 16…

    • AmidFuror
      18 days ago

      Edit: Apparently referencing polar shift in sun.

      Also, solar flare activity cycles every 11 years or so. The recent auroras were caused by ejected solar matter interacting with Earth’s magnetic field, but that doesn’t require or imply that a large polar shift or pole reversal is happening.

      • @marcos
        18 days ago

        See? It’s cyclic! People are even confirming it!

        It’s certain people, society collapses every 11 years! Learn how to protect yourself here!

    • Seraph
      618 days ago

      What’s the real downside of the poles switching? We have GPS so in most cases it’s not like we were using a compass anyway. Plus once they’ve fully switched it’s basically back to normal, just backwards.