i don’t even know if this is good or if i stand by it 100% but it’s a helluva lot better (less tone deaf) than the other one ☺️

  • Patapon Enjoyer
    16 days ago

    Should’ve started on those things she’s holding signs for 4 years ago tbh. Can you really expect people to be invested in your promise that you’ll stop the shitheads from fucking people over if you did a very poor job in stopping shitheads from fucking people over?

    • @Cosmicomical
      215 days ago

      Vaguely ineffective vs Full totalitarian

      Hm, I’m unsure who to vote…

      Just open a book every now and then

        • @[email protected]
          416 days ago

          Well clearly letting the side trying actively to make it worse win on purpose will definitely make things better this time!

          Maybe now we can look forward to a 9-0 agreeing with Trump’s new Bibletution that there is no 13th and 19th amendments!

          • Patapon Enjoyer
            16 days ago

            Good luck with your vote for the people doing fuckall to prevent that. I mean it.

            • @[email protected]
              116 days ago

              Good luck with your vote for the people actively trying to make it worse.

              I don’t mean it, fuck you sideways with a running chainsaw for your complicity in the rise of fascism in this country.

              You could have helped and instead decided that the possibility of dead people later is morally identical to handing trans kids to the police yourself.

              You’re the neighbor who ratted out Anne Frank and you deserve every terrible thing that will come to you for it.

              • Patapon Enjoyer
                16 days ago

                “Everyone I disagree with is a nazi collaborator who deserves to suffer” is a hell of a opinion

                MFer I don’t even live in your country, tell me more about how fascism in the US is my fault for thinking they should murder less people and you wish all manner of evil on me. That makes you a great fucking person.

                  • Patapon Enjoyer
                    15 days ago

                    you don’t have skin in this game

                    Americans may have the luxury to not care about what their empire does to the rest of the world. The global south, not as much.

                    See also: Supporting an ongoing genocide and comparing people who disagree with the genocide nazis bacause it makes their guy look bad.