i don’t even know if this is good or if i stand by it 100% but it’s a helluva lot better (less tone deaf) than the other one ☺️

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    229 days ago

    To people that aren’t hardcore tankies Biden fits every definition of a Fascist.

    First, why do you capitalize the ‘F’ in fascist?

    Second, what do you mean by your whole comment?

    • @Linkerbaan
      029 days ago

      Biden apologists are similar to the people that deny Tienanmen Square etc. Somehow their glorious leader can do no war crimes or even Genocide. Also he fits practically every definition of a fascist.

      First, why do you capitalize the ‘F’ in fascist?

      Great question not sure myself but it’s how many other people did it so I just copied it. Likely because it’s a name. Apparently there’s no consensus on the capitalization.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        028 days ago

        it’s how many other people did it so I just copied it

        Is that about the capitalization or calling a democratically elected leader a fascist?

        • @Linkerbaan
          028 days ago

          Can use the same logic to defend Putin and Xi for being “democratically elected”.

          Being non-democratically elected is not the only way of being a fascist by the way. If you read the definition Biden fits it very well.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            -128 days ago

            Fascism is a far-rightauthoritarianultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorialleader, centralized autocracymilitarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

            Sounds just like Biden, if you ignore every definition.

            It’s just like when you called democrats tankies.

            • @Linkerbaan
              -128 days ago

              Biden the guy using violence to squash student protest. Biden the guy sending Billions in military weapons to support Genocide.

              You have to deny that to not call him a Fascist.

              You’d have to be a tankie Democrat indeed. Your comment is reaching top irony.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                -128 days ago

                How does Biden fit with the actual definition of fascist, not the one you want it to be?

                And why are you capitalizing genocide now?

        • @Ensign_Crab
          -228 days ago

          calling a democratically elected leader a fascist?

          Trump is a fascist, and was elected.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            028 days ago

            Trump has fascist tendencies, which he showed when he tried to keep power instead of peacefully transferring it.

            I think called Trump a fascist is cheapening the word and open the doors to people like linky just throwing it at anyone that they disagree with.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              -128 days ago

              If Trump isn’t a fascist, why do Democrats keep saying that we must vote to give the Biden/Netanyahu genocide a mandate in order to stop Trump on the grounds that he’s a fascist?

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                128 days ago

                The republicans call Biden a communist and people call him a fascist too so maybe people are stupid?

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  -128 days ago

                  Well, if Trump isn’t a fascist, Democrats’ entire rationale for voting for Biden is predicated on a lie.

                  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                    128 days ago

                    Do you not think Biden is better than Trump?

                    Just because Trump isn’t a fascist yet doesn’t mean he’s not going to hurt a lot more people.