• AmoxtliOP
    -134 months ago

    The minds behind the US-Israeli Alliance are the same minds behind the Ukraine conflict. Why is the US picking on China for, why does it have sanctions on Cuba? China and Cuba did nothing to the US. You don’t apply the same standard the other way around. Humans lives are subservient to politics. Western states say some of the dumbest, craziest shit that makes Kim Jong-un look sane, and rational. Look at your daily politics, bread, and circus. I honestly don’t understand how Westerners can keep their sanity. Maybe they don’t, and are in fact insane.

    • @SkyezOpen
      4 months ago

      Yeah and a 3 day special military operation that turned into a 2 year war is amazing strategy as well. But hey, keep throwing meat to the front and maybe eventually you’ll win. Just hope it happens before you get conscripted, Ivan.

      Edit: oh hey, remember what I said about the oil depots?

      Сьогодні відбулася масована атака БПЛА на Новоросійськ. Повідомляється, що було атаковано порт та нафтобаза, в місті пропало світло.