The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge.

This isn’t a social media thing exclusively of course, I’ve met it in the real world too.

When I worked as a repair technician, members of the public would ask me for my diagnosis of faults and then debate them with me.

I’ve dedicated the second half of my life to understanding people and how they work, in this field it’s even worse because everyone has opinions on that topic!

And yet my friend who has a physics PhD doesn’t endure people explaining why his theories about battery tech are incorrect because of an article they read or an anecdote from someone’s past.

So I’m curious, do some fields experience this more than others?

If you have a field of expertise do you find people love to debate you without taking into account the gulf of awareness, skills and knowledge?

  • Noble Shift
    216 days ago

    When that’s been the case then I am extremely direct and if that fails and it lands in my lap, the next time I’m unrelenting and will absolutely bug the living shit out the responsible parties so it doesn’t land in anyone’s lap. They very rarely step back into my office afterwards and my emails get answers.

    Don’t let the swine step on you man, they’ll never stop. You’re good at what you do and that’s what you’re paid for, not to babysit and wipe asses. I mean I’m pretty sure … Enjoy the weekend.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      16 days ago

      I appreciate the advice and normally I would be giving much the same except my employer gave me much more than I would have dared even ask for last month during pay raises and begged me to stay.

      So for now just call me doormat.

      A Kenyan man once said to me, ‘You can get used to anything when money’s involved.’ He used to stick mice up his ass for twenty bucks at a time.

      Also enjoy your weekend.

      • Noble Shift
        216 days ago

        Keep that resume current. Always look for the BBD. Bigger Better Deal. Golden Handcuffs can be just as dangerous.

        Congratulations on the raise and good review. Don’t let them tread too hard Doormat. Sorry Mr. Doormat.