Up early the day, oot ae work early fer me. Wha’s uptae anyhin?

  • @linzid83
    14 months ago

    Enjoy the rugby!! Hope the ankle gets better soon! I went back to the pool on monday, so plan to go every week and up my lengths!

    • @OlapOPM
      24 months ago

      We lost :( good game though. How many lengths are you up to already?

      • @linzid83
        24 months ago

        Lol not many!! I’ve stopped going so just headed back last week. I did 20 just to ease me back in! Guy beside me was doing a strongman or something and was doing 150!!!

        • @OlapOPM
          24 months ago

          Wow, 150 in 25yard pool is over 2 miles. I like the sauna part most, but aim for 44 or 1km total

          • @linzid83
            24 months ago

            Thats great!! Well done you!! Yeah the guy told me 62 lengths would mean i’d done a mile but i think it could be a while before i get to that!!!