I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.

  • @RBWells
    17 months ago

    I think it’s because they are old foods that civilizations grew up around, and also they have complex and strong flavors. People who shy away from strong and complex flavors are seen as less cultured with foods, right? I have a very “cultured” palate for foods but have trouble liking wine, so I say my palate for drinks is uncultured - I do like cocktails a lot, but wine I just usually tolerate, some is ok, none do I find delicious.

    Usually people who dislike olives are picky eaters in general. Not always, but if you don’t like them you probably just get lumped in with the picky eaters.

    None of it matters, eat what you like, or grow your palate if you want. I have a challenge this year with my coworker who loves wine but is a ridiculously picky eater - I will try wine and he will try foods. We are challenging each other to expand our palates.