Nvm that Yasuke was a real person.

  • @Wogi
    416 days ago

    I used to really enjoy assassin’s creed games. Every time a new one comes out I get a little bit hopeful. Only to be let down again

    • @[email protected]
      316 days ago

      Do what I do, go in assuming everything is absolutely shit, if it’s shit you’re right and it feels good, if its not then you got something cool to enjoy.

      • Flying Squid
        516 days ago

        I’m the same way with movies. I just expect a movie to suck. I’m never disappointed and I’m sometimes surprised.

    • @[email protected]
      115 days ago

      They were fun until they decided to get rid of stealth. The player character being someone who stands out so much by merely existing gives the impression that this game will probably end up being more of the same.