My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole.

I think he’s the primary reason FFDP is mocked so badly.

  • @JamesTBagg
    310 months ago

    Yeah, they sound good, his voice is great. I like American Capitalist (I just assume it’s satire) and and Wrong Side of Heaven makes me feel some shit (being a veteran), they’re covers are pretty good, but a lot of it falls flat or just eh.

      • @JamesTBagg
        10 months ago

        Fair opinion. The Bleeding put them on the map for a reason too. Maybe I’ll give FFDP some more listens.

    • snownyteOP
      -110 months ago

      It’s when he gets into the “Why does everyone hate me” and “FUCK EVERYONE WHO’S NOT LIKE ME AND CAN’T HANDLE ME I DRINK MONSTER, FUCK EVERYONE RAHHH!!” rhetoric is where he gets really unbearable.