I don’t know if my neighbors ar going to love me or hate me - tiny yards all close together so they’re going to smell what’s cooking……

I have no idea what I’m doing but go big or go home: here’s two big ass pieces of meat (14# pork butt came apart)

First obstacle: how do you pick up a 14# hunk of hot meat? I don’t think any of my cooking utensils can handle that. I didn’t leave room for the tray of Mac and cheese I wanted to add, plus it will eventually be cooked

  • @escew
    210 months ago

    Smoked Mac and cheese is so good. Sounds like you’re having a great time.

    • @AA5BOPM
      110 months ago

      My kids are home for the weekend, I have people coming over, and started learning about a new to me way to cook! Definitely excited for this whole weekend!