My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole.

I think he’s the primary reason FFDP is mocked so badly.

  • @JamesTBagg
    49 months ago

    I feel the same about a lot of metal. I often really love the instrumental portion of lots of really heavy metal, then often the vocalist opens his fucking mouth and ruins it.

    • snownyteOP
      19 months ago

      This is death metal and black metal for me.

      Badass instrumentals. Why the fuck is the vocalist a growling cookie monster? Can’t even comprehend a single fucking word he’s “singing” and yet the song somehow has lyrics. I can barely, BARELY tolerate Cannibal Corpse for the reason that I can comprehend the vocalist.