I don’t know if my neighbors ar going to love me or hate me - tiny yards all close together so they’re going to smell what’s cooking……

I have no idea what I’m doing but go big or go home: here’s two big ass pieces of meat (14# pork butt came apart)

First obstacle: how do you pick up a 14# hunk of hot meat? I don’t think any of my cooking utensils can handle that. I didn’t leave room for the tray of Mac and cheese I wanted to add, plus it will eventually be cooked

  • @AA5BOPM
    310 months ago

    Grill started filling up fast. If you use it in place of an oven, it’s surprising how big you can actually use.

    The lessons here are definitely assemble the Mac and cheese the previous night if you can, to save assembly time, and maybe don’t get excited enough to overdo everything. I cancelled the salad, no one has room for the pie yet, one pan of Mac and cheeses would have been more than enough, and there’s probably over 10# meat leftover. I’m going to have the best leftovers all week