What are you brewing this weekend?

Post pictures, names, descriptions, recommendations, whatever you want to share that you think will help others.

May your brew be satisfying and your weekend restful.

  • czech
    32 years ago

    I’m putting the Bali Island through the Robot and the Colombia is for a pour-over. Havn’t tried the Malawi, yet, but happy mug doesn’t usually let me down.

    • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OPM
      22 years ago

      Bali blue moon is one of my favorites. I don’t like happy mug, though. Their quality is ok, I received a rock in one of my bags once, and the owner is kind of a dick who doxxes his customers on his blog. His employees, however, have always been awesome.

      • czech
        22 years ago

        Yikes I hadn’t heard about the doxing. Thankfully I haven’t had any issues with rocks. I need to keep a better eye out though.

        • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OPM
          32 years ago

          Yeah, I found it on their blog and thought it was strange. Then saw some people complaining about it on Reddit back in the day, and it came together in my head that that’s what he was doing. Not cool at all.

          As for the rock, I found it accidentally. I dropped the bag on the counter and a few beans and a rock fell out. So glad I dropped the bag haha

        • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OPM
          12 years ago

          Agreed. This is why I stopped using them, but I won’t shun anyone else for using them. We each have different tolerances for these types of behavior, and, for me, it surpassed the tolerance.

          Their coffee is pretty good, though…