I think I’ll just call it decrimination, because it can happen to anyone regardless of who they are… these extra words just makes matters unnecessarily confusing

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    What the hell is reversism?
    Google gives me urban dictionary with equally bad phrasing:

    “Just because it’s harder to recognise when it’s the other way round”.
    Recognise what? Other way round from what?

    So, people apply “reversism” to a discriminatory phrase/act/joke to make it easier to recognise that it is discrimination? Because, with “reversism” applied, it now applies to themselves, and they can then empathize with the original target of the discrimination?

    And you are painting empathy as a bad thing?
    Or, something else?
    These are all questions, because it’s my thought process and I still don’t understand your phrasing or premise. So, maybe someone can answer?

    • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖOP
      19 months ago

      because it’s my thought process and I still don’t understand your phrasing or premis

      don’t overthink it…

      Recognise what?

      discrimination whether that’s about race, gender…etc

      Other way round from what?

      for example, if a man is being sexist towards a woman, people say it’s sexism, if a women is being sexist towards a man people say it’s reverse sexism…

      which is dumb, can’t they just call it what it is ? sexism… why do we have to make it something unique… But like others answered, words can have many meanings… It’s the addition of unecessary words that makes it weird to me

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Oh, gotcha.
        Yeh, call it out when appropriate.
        I guess it’s good that those people are recognising some discrimination. Just need to guide them towards calling it discrimination instead of a qualified discrimination (or positive discrimination).

      • @YarHarSuperstar
        18 months ago

        I don’t know anyone who says “reverse racism” or “reverse sexism” that isn’t a douchebag and/or a bigot.