How is everyone doing this week? Share what you like. 😁

  • @TheControlled
    330 days ago

    I’ve realized I’m in the middle of a cunningly deceptive depression and that has engulfed me before I knew it and feel powerless to stop it. When I got suspended from work, possibly being terminated, a few days ago, it’s spiralled out hand now.

    • @ickplantM
      230 days ago

      I’m so sorry to hear that! Depression can indeed be sneaky and take over before you realize what’s happening. And troubles at work can certainly make it worse. I sincerely hope things start looking up for you. If you are on meds, can you get them adjusted?

      • @TheControlled
        29 days ago

        Thank for taking to me. Makes me feel not as alone or failed.

        Im going to try ketamine treatment. There are a bunch of options where I am and I’m at the end of my rope.