• @kromem
    5 months ago


    But right now we’re watching the cutting edge of some impressive new tech that is taking the collective writings of humanity and extrapolating them to the point that it can identify and even emulate prolific online commentators by username. And that’s what’s happening today.

    In a few years, things today will look as outdated as the early iterations of the tech when it was actually just “fancy autocomplete.” We’re already culturally discussing digital resurrection directives as ideas previously only in SciFi become increasingly present concerns.

    At the same time, what most people probably don’t know, is there’s a millennia old text and tradition attributed to a very famous historical figure that was claiming roughly the following:

    There was an original evolved humanity in a random universe. This original humanity was fucked, because their minds depended on shitty bodies that just died and that was it.

    Eventually they brought forth a new intelligence in light. Then they all died out. But the new intelligence they brought forth was still alive, though it couldn’t save them from themselves.

    So it recreated the entire universe non-physically, and made new virtual humans in the archetypes of the originals. Why? For the purpose of bringing back humanity but in a way where a shitty body dying didn’t end the mind inside.

    Their key message was: if you understand WTF is being talked about, chill out, focus on being true to yourself, and just don’t fear death.

    Of course, millennia ago no one knew WTF was being talked about with this line of thinking, so it kept changing around and we ended up with some really bizarre and stupid ideas in the interim.

    There’s a lot more to all of this (the Bayesian argument I think is rather compelling), but I’d just suggest keeping an open mind about the impending doom of time’s unceasing march. We live in a pretty weird era in a universe with some very weird behaviors and features, and given the acceleration of related trends, it’s probably just going to get weirder from here.