Didn’t know where to share this.

  • @OwlPaste
    231 month ago

    Prime example of the everyone has a job fallacy, i am not sure what you can trust such people to do that wouldn’t endanger others…

    • @[email protected]
      3030 days ago

      Yep, I’ve been saying this forever. If you force the incompetent to work too, you’re just making things harder for the rest of us. Just pay them to sit at home and smoke weed.

      • @Raab
        429 days ago

        I dislike the association of smoking weed with incompetence. I’ve smoked every day for the past 15 years and have been just as much as a productive member of society as the next guy and excel at my job. That stigma hurts.

        • @[email protected]
          629 days ago

          I’m not saying the weed smoking causes incompetence, I’m saying we shouldn’t be forcing people into the job market that don’t want to / shouldn’t be there, and they should be free to do what they want in that unproductive time, whether that’s watching TV, writing, painting, shit posting, raising kids or smoking weed (or any combination of those things). I used this example exactly because of the stigma conservatives put on the ‘dole bludger’ or whatever they call them.

      • @[email protected]
        229 days ago

        whelp i’m getting in line early for the incompetent job, because there surely is gonna be some fierce competition for this one.

    • Queen HawlSera
      121 days ago

      If you pay me enough to sit at home and browse e621, the things I will be able to tell you…

      • @OwlPaste
        221 days ago

        Of course universal income is a must, you can’t have people who can’t feed/house themselves. Recepie for disaster.