Can’t download Librewolf in Arch Linux + KDE Plasma 6

I’m trying to download it from AUR but it gives me error about gpg and closed DNS. Can’t import the keys.

  • @ogeist
    17 months ago

    I just installed the librewolf-bin without any issue. Did you updated your system with

    pacman -Syu

    I would ignore the DNS for now, unless you have a piHole or some other custom DNS service. If you want further help please copy the terminal messages when trying to install librewolf-bin and the gpg keys.

    • @bitahcoldOP
      17 months ago

      Yes, I did updates and I’m updating my system 3 days to 3 days. I tried all ways that is possible for me. Tried the bin version and normal version. Used yay too. I will delete Librewolf and try it again. Will add the error message. Thanks for your comment. Goodbye.