• @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    You think… Democrats are further right now, in 2024… than they were in 2004.

    What are these people smoking…the Democratic Party of 2024 is way left of the one from 1992, by any measure, fiscal or social

    • @PopOfAfrica
      410 months ago

      Right, but go back a bit further and we had Nixon (A Republican) starting the EPA and having a very handsomly high tax rate for thw wealthy.

      This Blue Dog really is the result of Reaganomics infecting our brains.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        The party realignment was still well underway during the Nixon Admin, as he purposefully courted George Wallace voters who were white segregationists and disaffected conservative Democrats. Both parties used to have conservative and liberal caucuses, and where a specific politician stood on an issue couldn’t typically be pinpointed by the letter behind their name, but Nixon’s Southern Strategy was the beginning of the end of that.