• @kinther
    124 months ago

    So you’re saying that… I should abide by principles… by allowing my country to further descend into fascism… by not voting for a politician that could prevent that…

    …right. You’re a smart mother fucker.

    • @[email protected]
      -144 months ago

      Don’t be mad at me because I forced you to confront your own lack of principles. I’ve got a principle, personally, that won’t allow me to vote for a genocidaire. I don’t think that’s a very high fucking bar. If we have found ourselves at an election where our choices are between two fascists, then we are already in fascism. If there is no way to vote for “no genocide” then there is no serious reason to vote.

      • @PugJesusOP
        84 months ago

        I’ve got a principle, personally, that won’t allow me to vote for a genocidaire. I don’t think that’s a very high fucking bar.

        Pretty clearly it’s not a very high bar, since you’re supporting an intensification of that genocide and the commencement of several others. That’s a bar too low to limbo under.

        • @[email protected]
          -114 months ago

          Yeah man, I’m sorry but if you’re doing a genocide, fuck you. I’ve got nothing but hate for you. I don’t care who you are, or who might also do the same thing. I’ll hate them too. That’s what a principle is. If more people had such a principle maybe we could make real political changes instead of giving “political capital” to war criminals.

          • @PugJesusOP
            4 months ago

            Yeah man, I’m sorry but if you’re doing a genocide, fuck you. I’ve got nothing but hate for you.

            It’s a shame you hate yourself so much. Wait, if you’re pursuing multiple genocides, as you are by furiously seeking a Trump victory, is your hate multiplied?

            • @TropicalDingdong
              -24 months ago

              Looks like you lost another one.

              Ready to shift that full throated rhetoric yet?

              • @PugJesusOP
                04 months ago

                “Lost another one”?

                What are you on about?

                • @TropicalDingdong
                  34 months ago

                  I made the point earlier about how your approach to rhetoric is counter productive.

                  You’ve argued in just about every subthread of this entire post. You go down each one and there is @[email protected] trying to convince someone that they should support Biden. But you haven’t convinced a single person that your stance is a stance they should adopt. In fact, when I review the threads, it looks like they’ve moved farther away from the position you want them to take.

                  Maybe its you, the basis of your argument, and your approach to rhetoric that’s at issue.

                  • @PugJesusOP
                    -24 months ago

                    What makes you think I’m trying to convince them? I’ve explicitly said otherwise elsewhere. I don’t believe fascists can be saved. They’ve already dipped down into embracing genocide, and nothing will wring that wretched stink out of them.

                    But demonstrating the horrendously immoral implications of the talking points they parrot can show others who have only considered the surface of the talking points what absolute genocidal dogshite they’re peddling.

                    In fact, when I review the threads, it looks like they’ve moved farther away from the position you want them to take.

                    lmao, what, they decided that instead of supporting more genocide, they’ll support more genocide even harder? Doubt.

      • magnetosphere
        4 months ago

        Okay, you’ve hit on exactly what I don’t get.

        Most Federal elections aren’t about good vs. bad. They’re about choosing the lesser of two evils. That’s important to remember.

        As I see it, a vote for Biden OR Trump is a vote supporting genocide. On that one issue, sadly, there’s no real choice.

        However, voting for Trump also brings with it sexism, racism and an inevitable threat to democracy - in addition to genocide. Crucially, changing the system for the better would become MUCH harder under Trump. Choosing not to vote at all (or voting for a 3rd party candidate with no real chance of winning) helps Trump. It would be giving up on yourself, and society as a whole. It would be saying that things are too broken to be fixed, ever, so it’s okay to let future generations suffer.

        I don’t see the moral benefit in failing to choose the lesser of two evils.

        • @hark
          64 months ago

          When full support for genocide is “the lesser of two evils” then you’ve already lost. It’s straight up evil.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          A system that only allows you to choose between two enthusiastic war criminals should be given up on. There is no saving or reforming such a system. An election boycott and riots in the street are a preferable choice as far as I’m concerned.

          • @TheFonz
            24 months ago

            What are you doing about electoral reform, I’m curious

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              I’m not doing shit about electoral reform. I would like to understand exactly the kind of optimism it takes to believe that meaningful electoral reform is a real possibility. Give me your realistic roadmap to a materially better system, accomplished through reforming the current one. I don’t expect a detailed plan, but what are the broad strokes?

              • @Feathercrown
                -34 months ago

                So you refuse to engage in the system and refuse to try to replace it? What the fuck are you doing here complaining? You have no right to complain, you’re literally doing nothing and watching the ship sink around you and shouting “hey! This sucks! I sure wish it was different!” How about you help fix it? Literally what are you doing like why would you do this you’re wasting everyone’s time

                • @[email protected]
                  34 months ago

                  What do you want me to say? I do what I can. I could tell you at least some of what I do, but I doubt it would satisfy you. Hell, tbh it doesn’t really satisfy me. Are you satisfied with what you are doing? I’m assuming you’re doing more than just guaranteeing Biden your vote and arguing with me. If I’m wasting anyone’s time it’s my own, you are free to scroll on.

                  • @kinther
                    04 months ago

                    Arguing with strangers on the internet isn’t doing shit, mate. Tell us two things you do IRL besides that and maybe you won’t look like a neckbeard keyboard warrior.

          • @PugJesusOP
            -14 months ago

            Well? We’re waiting.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          34 months ago

          They’re about choosing the lesser of two evils. That’s important to remember.

          Which is why evil always wins.