• @PugJesusOP
    4 months ago

    When election day comes, there are only two realistic candidates. If Biden is still in support of Israel at that time, your effective choices are “Genocide”, “Much More Genocide”, or “I don’t care if there is more genocide”

    Welcome to the political process. You want to be an innocent? Find yourself an autocrat willing to take responsibility for your participation in society. The rest of us will deal with the ugly process of wielding political power as citizens.

    • @PopOfAfrica
      34 months ago

      I voted for the Democrats last time. They don’t deserve my vote this time. I was under the illusion that they would be plugging up all the holes in the system so that we could move forward from this fascist nightmare. Instead, they seem to be ceding ground to the fascists.

      I genuinely 100% think that Democrats would much prefer Donald Trump’s victory than a progressive platform.

      • @PugJesusOP
        -14 months ago

        I genuinely 100% think that Democrats would much prefer Donald Trump’s victory than a progressive platform.

        I don’t suppose you’ve ever considered that the Democrats think that the US electorate isn’t as far left as the average Lemmy user?

        • @PopOfAfrica
          24 months ago

          Wonderful. If they don’t need the far left voters, then what exactly is the problem?

          Let’s see how that strategy plays out.

          • @PugJesusOP
            34 months ago

            If they don’t need the far left voters, then what exactly is the problem?

            The problem is that some 48% of the electorate is ready to elect a fascist, and we’re sitting at 52% of a coalition that doesn’t agree on a single goddamn thing. And apparently, the smallest, leftmost wing of this coalition is beginning to flirt with the idea of “Just let the fascist win”, despite the fact that they are, nominally (but apparently not in actuality, as they seem ready to pop champagne bottles at the ushering in of a fascist age) the furthest from the fascist.

            • @PopOfAfrica
              4 months ago

              Progressives don’t want the fascists to win, they want you to listen to us. If the threat of fascists winning is not enough, then you were never going to be on our side.

              The only people who have taken their ball and went home are the moderate neoliberals like yourself.

              Give us some genuine halfway compromise, and you will have loyal progressive voters. The stakes are simply too high for you to not compromise. We bailed you out in 2020 and you owe us a favor.

              So let’s see who blinks first.

              • @PugJesusOP
                4 months ago

                Progressives don’t want the fascists to win,

                Yeah, looking down through the comments by self-proclaimed leftists in this community, it seems like a great many of them are eager for the fascists to win to ‘show’ the Democrats what for. Fuck them minorities who’ll suffer or die.

                So let’s see who blinks first.

                Oh, fucking wonderful. I love it when genocide is used as the stakes in a game of dumb fucking machismo between two political factions who want to show off that THEY have the biggest balls in the room.


                If the threat of fascists winning is not enough, then you were never going to be on our side.

                Okay, before we go further - is the reverse here true? If the threat of fascists winning is not enough for progressives to side with liberals, were progressives never going to be on the liberals’ side? Is that where we’re at?

                • @PopOfAfrica
                  24 months ago

                  You know, if you truly believe that, then you would want Biden to blink right now. Again, you want us to blink, not the moderates, and you act like that is a completely unbiased opinion.

                  Also, to your last point, we have compromised with the Neo-Liberals. We voted for Biden last election. That was the compromise. We were expecting to be rewarded for it. He talked a big game about universal healthcare.

                  Turns out he lied to us. Oh, but that’s okay in your book. You can’t repeatedly crap on the people that you need to vote for you and expect anything different.

                  • @PugJesusOP
                    04 months ago

                    We voted for Biden last election. That was the compromise. We were expecting to be rewarded for it.

                    Oh, okay, you were expecting a reward and didn’t get one, that definitely warrants getting as many minorities murdered as you can. Mea culpa, you really were the most moral individual in the room.