I’m thinking on potentionally subscribing for an Unlimited with a student discount.

Are you satisfied with it’s current services? I’ve seen mixed reviews from ProtonVPN. Someone loves it, someone despises it. Also does Proton Pass offer any convenience benefits over Bitwarden?

  • @airglow
    510 months ago

    Try out the free versions of the apps and decide whether you would pay for at least two of them.

    Since I already use other alternatives like Bitwarden for many of Proton’s services, I’m only using Proton Mail and I can’t justify subscribing to Proton Unlimited until they release a Linux desktop client for Proton Drive.

    • PrivateNoobOP
      110 months ago

      Well I’m already using the mail, drive and the calendar. It’s just a pain, but understendable that the free option doesn’t support being logged in into multiple emails.

      • @airglow
        210 months ago

        Assuming that you’ll take advantage of the extra Drive space, that’s two services (since Calendar is part of Mail), so I think subscribing to Unlimited would be worth it for you.