Radiation in the title of the Massive Attack song to the repeated lyric “Nuclear warhead ready to strike” from the Electric Wizard song.
Plus neither band is as popular as they should be.
Radiation in the title of the Massive Attack song to the repeated lyric “Nuclear warhead ready to strike” from the Electric Wizard song.
Plus neither band is as popular as they should be.
Electric Wizard is pretty damn popular amongst metal heads at least. But this song is my favorite of theirs.
Fun story, my buddy and I got really stoned and he had just gotten this on vinyl. We were listening to the whole thing, and at the very end the record is designed to skip back and keep playing the creepy laugh over and over. Weirded us out because we were so high.
So that’s where that trick came from! I have Soma by Windhand on vinyl, and the CD/digital recording has ~10min of ambient wind noise at the end, but on the record they did the same trick after ~1min of wind noise. The first time I listened to it I was doing some housework home alone in the dead of winter, so it took me a long time to even realize the record was still playing and that it wasn’t just the real wind outside.
That’s awesome. Also Windhand is amazing live if you ever get the chance to see them. I saw them here in Columbus with our hometown stoner/doom bands - Lo-Pan and Weed Demon. Tons of fun
I’ve heard a bit of Lo-Pan; sounds like a killer show. I live out west, so Windhand doesn’t make it out here too often (but we do get YOB and Acid King on a semi-regular basis, so it evens out)