• nyahlathotep
    1589 months ago

    Assuming this is real, this is probably some shit he used to do when he was a kid, maybe with his parents or older sibling or something, and he still occasionally does it because of nostalgia or habit. Maybe he only just then realized it was weird for an adult to do. I’m really reading a lot into this, but that was my first thought is all

    • KnoLord
      639 months ago

      Honestly, that would be the most plausible explanation and for me at least that indicates a good father-son relationship, as this would be some shit my father would be doing with me when I was a toddler.

      But I also assume that the actual OOP is hand guy and he imagines a potential partner catching him in the act.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      9 months ago

      We affectionately call this ‘The CLAW!!!’.

      I had no idea why we did it… but it’s probably because of a wrestler back in the 80s called Baron von Raschke

      I recommend everyone do this to children everywhere. They eat that shit up.