Hey everyone, welcome my beauties!

We are working on bringing the wiki and other resources over to lemmy. The rules are posted, but we are relaxing some of them for now as we want you to jump in and post whatever is on your mind!

Ready, set go…!

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    I’m glad to be here! I started getting hot flashes a few weeks ago. I thought I was going to get through peri without experiencing them. No such luck.

    • @leftylibraOPM
      81 year ago

      Before peri, do you remember thinking…“what’s the big deal about hot flashes?” Like so what, you get hot for a few minutes, how bad could that be?? Some poor folk get them every hour and lasting for 10 mins or more!

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Oh yeah, absolutely. A few weeks ago I was at a conference, standing in a line with my colleagues, dripping with sweat and feeling just way too hot. It lasted so long. T’was not fun.

        • Mohkia
          41 year ago

          That sounds awful. I am so sorry, don’t think I have this yet but I’m sure I will find out. How long into peri before you started getting this out of curiousity?

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I actually have no real way to gauge how long I’ve been in peri! I have a mirena so I stopped getting my period a really long time ago. It’s only going by other symptoms that I figured out I was in peri. I’m 49, and I think I’ve been in peri for at least a year.

            • @leftylibraOPM
              11 year ago

              Yup symptoms…that’s all you can go by. Even then if you keep the mirena, you won’t really know if you’ve reached post-meno either because symptoms can carry on after that too.

          • @leftylibraOPM
            31 year ago

            There’s really no rhyme or reason with hot flashes. Mine didn’t start until I became post-meno!

            • Mohkia
              41 year ago

              I’ll just have to wait and see I guess. Maybe I will move back to Canada if it gets too much. Lol. Moved away to leave the cold winters. 🥶

      • @unexplaineditem
        51 year ago

        I don’t get hot flashes. I get a whole hot morning, every morning. It’s Winter here and I generally walk my cat around 10am. I rarely wear a jumper/jacket. We go for our second walk in the afternoon (bengal life) and I’m rugged up appropriately. It’s wild.