• @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
    310 months ago

    You’re talking to a white supremicist.

    Their site makes it clear.

    That’s the reason they’re citing a racist conspiracy theory.

    The mods won’t ban him though, because that’s the kind of user they wish to court.

    • casey is remote
      -310 months ago

      @LookBehindYouNowAndThen I’m not sure if he’s a supremacist, more likely a racial separatist/“race realist”. Wouldn’t be shocked if he’s racist, but yeah #TheProtocolsOfTheEldersOfZion is quite the deep cut, and his alt-right views are probably the only way he even knows what that is (I only know what that is when I started researching the origins of the #Israel v. #Palestine conflict and it came up as I was skimming #Wikipedia)

      • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
        10 months ago

        I don’t make excuses for white supremicists.

        Guess you do.

        How the fuck is a “racial separatist” not a racist?

        Gotta love how this community puts the full depravity of conservatism on display for everyone.

        • casey is remote
          -310 months ago


          > I don’t make excuses for racists.

          I don’t either! I do try to understand them though. They walk among us, after all.

          > How the fuck is a “racial separatist” not a racist?

          They’re still racist; the difference is that a white supremacist thinks that white people are better than other people, and racial separatists think that all races are equal, but should be segregated from each other.

          • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
            10 months ago

            Funny how you’re more charitable to this white supremicist’s views than you are for anyone to your left.

            Last time we were having a discussion you misrepresented my views with every reply, but you’ve really dialed in the various flavors of racist, because those nuances are so important to understand.

            Conservatives will ally with racists and fascists before they compromise with a lib.

            • casey is remote
              -310 months ago


              > Funny how you’re more charitable to this white supremicist’s views than you are for anyone to your left.

              This is an interesting take. You must not know me very well.

              Have you seen my political commentary blacklist of bad faith actors? It’s mostly people on the right.


              > Last time we were having a discussion you misrepresented my views with every reply

              Which convo was this?

                • sj_zero
                  110 months ago

                  Seems to me like as long as you’re following your conscience and thinking for yourself it doesn’t matter what you are labeled as.

                  Labels like that shift and change and some people expect you to shift and change with them, but do people really switch their beliefs on a dime like that? You believe what you believe, not what some label says you believe.

                  Moreover, the way the political statecraft becomes all encompassing is really harmful. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” and “everything is political” are two sides of a coin we should melt down for scrap metal. For most of us, the most important questions aren’t about some distant capitol, but what’s around us and how we affect that.

                  • casey is remote
                    -110 months ago

                    @amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

                    > Conservatism is a philosophy

                    Fair enough; Conservatism is pretty broad so it can be as libertarian as it can be fascist.

                    I care too much about supporting small government and principles over people to want to associate too closely with the modern right, who I feel is increasingly okay with authoritarianism (look at their support of #DeSantis for example)

                    > We are realists, the Left are anti-realists.

                    That’s kind of a childish way to view things.

      • casey is remote
        -310 months ago


        In any case, his alt right views don’t exactly map to this conversation, so I’ll allow it for now.

        If lemmy.world wants to ban him, they probably can, but he’s on annihilation.social, which is a different instance entirely.

        • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
          310 months ago

          The mods have the power to ban anyone.

          Notably, they don’t ban the guy who hosts a blog with articles titled things like Being White: The Gradual Epiphany of a True Believer and thinks the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true conspiracy.

          I’ve been banned for some pretty stupid shit, but this guy is welcome. That should tell you everything you need to know about this community.

          • casey is remote
            -310 months ago

            @LookBehindYouNowAndThen Report it to the mods. I’m on #Mastodon and I think he’s on #Pleroma, so there’s nothing I can do.

            But I’m a freedom of speech homie so I wouldn’t complain about it too much; if the speech offends you, you should be able to block or mute him yourself on your end.

            • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
              10 months ago

              I have reported them.

              The mods only care about banning people who make conservatives face reality.

              They’re not going to ban this chode because they want him for a user.