• @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Me tiedämme, Andrez. Then it’s especially important to critically analyze what you say. You can shit on z-vatniks and Russian government all you want. But, there are lots of Russians who are against the war and actively fighting the regime. Some are suffering heavily. We’re in the same boat. And here you are running around throwing shade at the entire Russian ethnicity/nationality, implying intellectual inferiority. We’ve heard that like hundreds of times already. We understand that our nation turned full blown fascist state and people get emotional. But on thousandth time, inevitably, the thoughts crawl up that “You know what? Maybe Putin was right and they really are Nazi pricks. Why am I fighting instead of joining?”. Don’t feed the war machine. We don’t know what this mad fuck is up to, but I’ve recently heard him repeatedly say “Russia is not going to attack NATO”. Given his track record… I’d rather prefer if his resources dry up before that happens.

    • @andxz
      10 months ago

      I don’t give a shit, and if that was an attempt to intimidate me you failed spectacularly. You should know better.

      We both know this’ll end with us giving you chuckle fucks another round of generational PTSD.

      Intectually inferior? That’s quite the joke considering your educational system. You live in a derelict gas station led by madmen masquerading as a country.

      • @stanleytweedle
        10 months ago

        Wow dude, that’s mask-off open prejudice. That guy’s response was articulate and thoughtful and you just replied with some KKK level bigotry.

        • @andxz
          110 months ago

          Sure. He’s russian, I’m Finnish. They killed the grandparents of approximately half of everyone I know, and they’re gearing up for round two.

          You think I should turn the other cheek because he writes passable English? Half of that shit is straight up russian talking points from their media anyway, he’s not sincere.

          • @stanleytweedle
            10 months ago

            I think you should read what he wrote and not judge him on what you assume his grandparents did based on his nationality. But I’m kinda seeing you don’t have the capacity for that so I guess just continue to be a hateful xenophobic bigot.

            • @andxz
              110 months ago

              The irony of an American accusing other people of russophobia is …well, you can probably see why that’s a little bit hypocritical.

              I bet you feel safe over there on the other side of the Atlantic, huh? It’s all fun and games until the fuckers are on your border.

              • @stanleytweedle
                10 months ago

                “The irony of a choose-your-color person accusing other people of racism is…”

                lol- you don’t represent Finland very well, but I still won’t make any general assumptions about Fins based on your xenophobic hatred.

                • @andxz
                  10 months ago

                  Uh, if you think I don’t represent us very well it shows just how little you know about the socio-political situation here. Compared to most I’m pretty fucking chill about those fuckers.

                  We have exactly one enemy on the whole planet and the only thing our army ever trains for is the inevitable moment we all know is coming.

                  We’ve been subject to countless hybrid attacks in just the past two years. Just last week they stole 5 of our islands by unilaterally redrawing maritime maps.

                  You’re ignorant as fuck.

                  • @stanleytweedle
                    10 months ago

                    There’s a difference between a rational fear of the Russian government and being so hatefully xenophobic that you disregard and disparage an articulate and sincere human that’s trying to communicate with you- just because they were born under the rule of the same government you fear.

                    But at this point I don’t expect you to understand- you’ve surrendered to your fear and now you can only hate. You’re so far gone you can’t even hear a Russian explicitly telling you they fear and loathe their government as much as you do- and are under even greater threat from it.

                    But by all means keep spewing your hateful xenophobia- makes a good writing prompt for me and I’m tired of yardwork today.

                    Just curious do you hate all Palestinians because of Hamas too?