Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that’s how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

  • @DeLacue
    2210 months ago

    Given that the speed of light is the upper limit for changes to propagate through the universe; if you had a four light-year long indestructible rod and you move one end of the rod how long until the other end moves?

    • Inductor
      1710 months ago

      I’m not an expert, but I guess it would depend on the speed of sound in the rod.

    • @ripcord
      210 months ago

      Somewhat related: let’s say you’re moving at 80% the speed of light away from earth. Then you turn on a flashlight and point it away from earth.

      • How fast is the light emitted moving relative to you?
      • How fast is it moving relative to earth?
        • @ripcord
          210 months ago

          OK, so after 1 hour:

          • How much further away are you from earth?
          • How much further away from you is the light?
          • How much further away from earth is the light?
          • Jojo, Lady of the West
            210 months ago

            It depends. The light is definitely moving at c, no matter who checks and from everyone’s perspective, but as a consequence of that the answers to those other questions change depending on how you measure. The coordinate system (technically the “reference frame”) you choose changes the answer. Even more, time isn’t the same for each frame, so you even have to specify for whom it has been 1 hour.