The highlight for me is coming up with some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.

  • herescunty
    10 months ago

    My favourite bit is the bit about “you can afford it, just choose a more frugal lifestyle” while young people today literally can’t afford to feed themselves. Also how about your ability to love your kids? Didn’t see that in any of your spreadsheets and your kids will hate you for giving them a shitty upbringing.

    Close runner up is the bit about how we’ve had centuries of population growth, and it’s a huge deal that we’re not growing anymore without noting that all those centuries also included events such as wars and epidemics regularly killing off sizeable percentages of the population which doesn’t happen on the same scale anymore.

    • Milksteaks [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Oh wait I got this, how about the bit about the oldest child taking care of the younger ones. They get to grow up fast and spend their precious time being an unpaid babysitter instead of actually being a kid pretty much ruining their childhood.

      Or how about the bit where the parents deliberately have so many kids gambling one will get rich and take care of them when their old. These natalists are delusional and I actually know a few irl that have said or done these and frankly its fuckin disgusting to me

        10 months ago

        Oh wait I got this, how about the bit about the oldest child taking care of the younger ones. They get to grow up fast and spend their precious time being an unpaid babysitter instead of actually being a kid pretty much ruining their childhood.

        Common practice among quiverfull creeps.

        My mum grew up in Ireland in the 60s (one of 8 children) and witnessed some of this at school: little girls from families of 15 or 20, missing classes so they could mind their younger siblings.